If you require more information about the Stanwick Handbell Ringers, please do not hesitate to contact us, but you may find that your question has already been answered in our Frequently Asked Questions.
Q. Do you need more members?
A. Yes. We are always happy to welcome anyone that might be interested in joining us. If you are interested, please contact us.
Q. Do I have to live in Stanwick to become a member?
A. No. We currently have members living in Stanwick and the surrounding areas.
Q. Will I have to pay a membership fee?
A. Following a few free trial sessions, you will need to pay a subscription. The current subscription fee is £15 per quarter (£60 per year). This covers the cost of hiring the room for practice sessions.
Q. I would like to learn to play the handbells, but I can't read music. Will I still be able to learn to play the handbells?
A. Yes, you can still learn to play the handbells. A few of our members are unable to read music, but have learned to recognise the notes they play, without too much difficulty.
Q. Are there any special skills I need to be able to play the handbells?
A. A good sense of timing is very important, as is the ability to be able to work as part of a team. If you take advantage of our free trial, you will soon discover whether or not you have these qualities.
Q. Do you wear a uniform?
A. Yes - when we have an engagement, the men wear white shirts and black trousers with a special tie, and the women wear a white blouse or top with black trousers or skirt with a special scarf. Everyone also has a black sleeveless fleece and a maroon coloured long sleeved fleece, both of which sport our embroidered logo. You wil need to supply your own shirts, blouses, skirts and trousers.
Q. Why do you always wear white gloves when you are playing the handbells?
A. We wear white gloves to protect the bells and their leather straps.
Q. Where do you perform, and who are your audiences?
A. We perform at a variety of locations throughout Northamptonshire. We play for local groups and organisations, Churches, residential homes, nursing homes, fetes, festivals, bazaars, birthday parties, etc. We even play at weddings and hold workshops.
Q. How much do you charge for a performance?
A. Apart from weddings, we don't make a charge, but a donation is appreciated towards the cost of the maintenance and insurance of the bells, our Performing Rights Society Licence and new music. If you would like us to play at a wedding, please contact us.
Q. I would like you to play at our Christmas Party. How far in advance should I call you to make a booking?
A. As soon as you can! It is a particularly busy time of the year for us, and bookings should be made as far in advance as possible.
Q. What type of music do you play?
A. All types of music - from popular classics to traditional old time favourites and, of course, Christmas carols. We are improving on, expanding and updating our repertoire all the time.